John-Alex Lucic

“Great trainer who actually cares about you & your results.”

– John-Alex Lucic

Jason Siems

Osbaldo is a prodigy. He is to training what Mozart was to music; a conduit for the glory of God on Earth.

This sounds like an exaggeration, but spend a few hours a week with him and, after a couple months, you’ll know. 

Working with Osbaldo has improved every aspect of my life, sometimes in ways that I did not expect. I started working with him in order to establish an exercise routine and to increase my overall health. 

I’ve gotten far more than that. 

I’m amazed at how much my stamina, energy and strength have improved. 

I’ve learned that fitness and health are at the foundation of everything that we do. 

As a result of working with Osbaldo, 

my strength, stamina and appearance have all improved. But what I didn’t anticipate was that my relationships, my work performance and my overall enjoyment of life have also improved. 

I had forgotten how deeply I could sleep. After working with Osbaldo for two months, I sleep like I did when I was a teenager 

and feel better than I have in 25 years. 

I’m so grateful I met him. 

I use to dread exercising and would make all kinds of excuses to myself

 that would prevent me from doing it. 

Now, I look forward to working out with Osbaldo and miss it when I’m done. 

He is wise beyond his years and I am tremendously glad I found him.”

– Jason Siems

William Durden

‘Hey there, my name is William and I wanted to share with you the journey that I’ve been on for the past 6 months since I’ve signed up with Osi Fitness.

For a long time I’ve wanted to Gain Strength, Build Muscle, Increase Mobility.

But before I worked with Osi Fitness I didn’t really know what I was doing. Looked at a lot of YouTube videos, read a lot of books. 

But what that came down to was me doing the same exercises over and over again and having an eating plan that fluctuated depending on my mood, or how busy I was at work and those type of things.

Working with Osi Fitness has really changed my Training Plan and My Life by showing me what to do & how to do it.

I have a consistent Lifting Plan, a Consistent Eating Plan and I work with Purpose, Intelligence, and Proper Intensity now to get the results That I Want.

I’ve seen Amazing Gains over the past 6 months. Gains I wouldn’t have seen if I was working on my own. I wanted to let you know that I think Osi Fitness is worth every penny.

I do his online coaching package & I am so grateful for the things he has taught me and the way I have been able to progress since we started working together.

I recommend Osi Fitness to anybody looking to create a plan, stick to it, maximize the time that they spend in the gym & eating to support those gains.”

– William Durden

Carlos Muñoz

“I truly enjoyed working with Osbaldo.

Always came to every session with a positive attitude and motivation to always improve. The best part was reaching and surpassing fitness goals.
When I first started I could barely bench 95lbs. Towards the end I was benching 185 pounds. I was squatting 95lbs assisted and at the end I was squatting 205 pounds”

– Carlos Muñoz

Jorge Serrano

“Mi experiencia fue muy positiva derecho me sentí motivado ah seguir logrando la meta que quiero.

Lo mejor que me gusto fue la forma que explica los ejercicios, muy buen entramado y gran amigo”

“My experience was very positive
I felt motivated to continue achieving the goals I had wanted.

What I liked best was the manner he explained exercises.
Very good trainer and great friend”

– Jorge Serrano

Don Chalmers

“Osbaldo Camacho-Perez is an outstanding, dedicated personal trainer.

I highly recommend him!”

– Don Chalmers

Jesus Ramos

“My experience with Osbaldo was great!

I enjoyed working with him and I want to continue with some more training soon! I got more than I was expecting with the sessions I received nutrition and workout tips.

He also was good at checking up and communicating with me from the start!

He texted me a couple times a week in between the sessions to make sure I was doing okay and to answer questions. He also found a plan to fit me and my career goals.
I’m looking forward to work with him again!

What stood while working with Osbaldo, was he had an answer for basically all of my questions he does a good job explaining and going through the work outs with you!”

– Jesus Ramos

Juan Suarez

“My experience with working with Osbaldo was more than I expected. It’s was excellent working with him. His coaching method is designed to help achieve the person goal wether is to lose weight or gain muscles to being more athletic. 

The weekly check-in that Osbaldo and I do helps me show that I’m making progress no matter how small it is. This helps me move forward through the month

“My favorite part of working with Osbaldo are the Friday workout with him at the park. This helps me  have the chance to ask questions about the workouts, why I’m doing them, and what type of muscle it works out. I also like how he shows me how do the proper form as well as gives me advice and pointers when I workout. 

Overall I love working out with him, great coach to have when you struggle to achieve your goals.”

– Juan Suarez

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Mary Billerbeck

“Osbaldo is a gifted trainer.

I trained with him while I was recovering from a debilitating shoulder injury.

 He guided me through a combination of workouts that pushed my fitness level while at the same time preserving my shoulder, making my time at the gym very efficient and effective. He also went above and beyond by checking in with me before and after workouts to ensure my training and shoulder recovery was in sync. 

Osbaldo is first-class trainer who I wholeheartedly recommend as you will be in very experienced and caring hands.”

– Mary Billerbeck

Vicki Worthen

“I have been very happy with my experience with Osbaldo as a personal trainer.

He is so enthusiastic, motivating and knowledgable about things fitness and has helped so much so I can be healthy and fit thru exercise and good nutrition.

So I look forward to my exercise workout with him because he cares and encourages me every session.

My favorite part working with Osbaldo is his motivation every session to be patient with me as I am deaf and he is able to communicate with me. Also, he wears a mask. He knows how to gesture and make me feel comfortable and safe.

Plus, he takes the time to call me or I call him after each session and talk about the workout, concerns, and how I feel.

Osbaldo is the best and I highly recommend him to all my family and friends. Thanks.

Osbaldo, You are so very special!”

– Vicki Worthen

Jaime Pacheco

I’ve been trying with Osbaldo since July 2019.

I had contacted Osbaldo about teaching my 11 year old stepson the fundamentals of fitness. He enjoyed working out with me during the summer but I didn’t have the time to teach while working out.The second month I decided training together would be fun!

Osbaldo did an amazing job of accommodating each of our fitness levels. My stepson had a blast.

Ive continued to train with Osbaldo because he’s motivating and kind hearted. I’ve seen small changes in my strength and figure over the last 5 months and look forward to seeing more gains.

He challenges my fitness abilities and encourages me to live a healthy lifestyle.

He genuinely cares about each of his clients and is knowledgeable about fitness.

– Jaime Pacheco